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Native American DNA

Moderators: suelevin1, dnacommunities, teresapy, dpyates, jakayj, D J Thornton

D J Thornton
Posts: 329
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:58 am

Native American DNA

Postby D J Thornton » Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:11 am

Native American DNA 
Origin and Evolution of Native American mtDNA Variation: A Reappraisal
Sorry about the paste format but, what I want to point out is that Schlors, scientist base Native American DNA in this study of MTDNA of this study, of Eskimos, Yakima , northwest Induansand Nadene aka Navaho, the coastal Indians especially, Atlantic and Gulf Coast or considered too admired because of the results not matching the status quo. I will post more about that.
The timing and number of prehistoric migrations in- volved in the settlement of the American continent is subject to intense debate. Here, we reanalyze Native AmericancontrolregionmtDNA dataanddemonstrate thatonlyanappropriatephylogeneticanalysisaccompa- niedbyanappreciationofdemographicfactorsallows ustodiscerndiferentmigrationsandtoestimatetheir ages. Reappraising 574 mtDNA control region se- quences from aboriginal Siberians and Native Ameri- cans,weconfirminagreementwithlinguistic,archaeo- logical and climatic evidence that (i) the major wave ofmigrationbroughtonepopulation,ancestraltothe Amerinds, from northeastern Siberia to America 20,000-25,000yearsagoand(i)arapidexpansionof aBeringiansourcepopulationtookplaceattheendof theYoungerDryasglacialphase 11,300yearsago, ancestraltopresentEskimoandNa-Denepopul
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article ... 3-0194.pdf

http://www.dnaexplain.com/Publications/ ... -19-09.pdf

D9S919 allele does not fall into the Low Marker Resolution Test category. It is a standalone test of a single SNP, the results of which are definitive.
35 The D9S919 marker is the same as marker D9S1120 as published in the 2007/2008 papers as referenced. The D9S1120 label was officially depreciated as the D9S919 marker name was already in use, per Thomas Krahn at Family Tree DNA.
value range for this particular autosomal marker37.
36 A private allele ubiquitous in the Americas by Schroeder et al, Biol Lett. 2007 April 22; 3(2): 218–223.
37 C. Phillips, et al., D9S1120, a simple STR with a common Native American-specific allele: Forensic optimization, locus characterization and allele frequency studies, Forensic Sci. Int. Gene. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2008.07.002 and Haplotypic background of a private allele at high frequency n the Americas, Schroeder et al, Mol Biol Evol 26: 995-1016

http://www.dnaexplain.com/Publications/ ... 9-2010.pdf
for Native ancestry, whether they realize it or not. The removal known as the “Trail of Tears” occurred in the mid-1830s. By that time, most Native descendants were admixed and were not required to move. Those that were not significantly admixed and were tribally affiliated were required to remove west of the Mississippi. Records of the families who removed generally exist. Records of those who died in route do not. We can presume that those who did not remove were already significantly admixed, probably 75% or more, causing them to be light skinned enough to escape the removal. This pushes the full blooded Native ancestor back at least 2 additional generations, or born in about 1760, into the 7th generation or further where each ancestor contributed less than 1% of our DNA. To show 10% Native ancestry today, we would need ten Native 6th or 7th generation grandparents.

‟s unfortunate that with both 23andMe and deCODEme one has to extrapolate Native ancestry based upon an Asian heritage designation as compared with the HapMap grouping of 45 Han Chinese. This group is exceptionally small and could lead to at least partially incorrect ethnicities, especially for people with German, Polish or eastern European ancestry that might incorporate the Mongol, Magyar or Hun peoples. Both of these companies have the potential to provide a much better ethnic analysis with the size and diversity of their data bases.

Posts: 45
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:32 pm

Re: Native American DNA

Postby emmdee2 » Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:51 pm

Found this old post ... I have ordered the allele test on the D9S919 from Family Tree. I figure given it is around 30 or so percent Native for a 9 STR result if I do have Native that is a 1 in 3 shot. I know I show the Amerind rare gene and a Native II marker not sure if or how they relate but I think separate from this one as it was not one of the 15 STR listed on Native Fingerprint test.

Will post my result, if it is positive that would be nice but if not I will see if I can figure what other group my results might correlate to.


Posts: 45
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:32 pm

Re: Native American DNA

Postby emmdee2 » Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:30 pm

Well got the D9S919 result today... 17 and 18 so in the same position as prior.Oh well... just neither prove or disproves anything. Both are world wide, 18 seems pretty sparse and lower percentage on the Native populations. The 17 figure is 12% for Cherokee and 18.8% for Creek so not impossible I suppose.

Relatively the highest for the 17 is Tuscan and the 18 actually the Seri native 26.7 and Seri seems an outlier on this allele they were low on the 9 that other tribes average 30% for this and they were 10% on the 9 result.

These two allele results are everywhere in the world ... and given I am majority European not a surprising result.

There is a chart at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2375964/ and Table 1 has the breakdowns.

Still searching.

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