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Family photo Vinita, OK

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Family photo Vinita, OK

Postby christopherswink8 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 2:31 am

This is a photo card taken 1897-1898 of my 2nd great grandparents William Andrew Hammon Jr, sitting front, and Emma Rook and family. I believe the girl standing next to William is my great grandmother Flora Mae Hammon, wife of my great grandfather DeLoss Crittenden Ford. Hand on Williams shoulder is William Hammon, standing next to young William is Jackson Roscoe and Bessie on Emmas lap.

William Andrew Hammon Jr’s parents William Andrew Hammon Sr and Eliza “Elizabeth” Smith-Fox were enumerated on Schedule No. 1 Indian Territory Cherokee County Township 24 Range 20 N E 1900 Census. And it seems they were living there prior to 1900 as well.
BDB7A7C9-FC07-4754-A46E-F301AB691340.jpeg (103.33 KiB) Viewed 34611 times

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Re: Family photo Vinita, OK

Postby emmdee2 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:19 am


A look on Ancestry under the Hammon name I found a connection for us I think. Someone showing DeLoss C. Ford as their grandfather (WR initials) and maybe I have a connection to you in 2 ways or more. Perhaps there is a relation to the Hammon via Emma Rook also shows "Oxford" and I have an Oxford on mom's side Barbara "Barbery" Oxford, I don't see any parents listed for her so that had been one of my dead ends on genealogy.

Barbara Oxford was married Anderson Bryan (Briant) which relates to a Carpenter line that married into DeLoss Ford's son Howard William Ford married to Wilma Lucille Carpenter and Wilma is my 3rd cousin once removed and into that Carpenter line also via my 3rd great grand parents Elias Veatch and Esther Wheeler daughter Jane Veatch so I think that means Wilma is my 3rd cousin once removed 2 ways as Jane Veatch and Briant son were married to each other?

Maybe there is more ... here is a photo of my grandfather John Veatch on the right my mom the youngest upfront.
Grandpa Veatch Flossie Stivers mom maurita raymond vernon.jpg
Grandpa Veatch Flossie Stivers mom maurita raymond vernon.jpg (109.92 KiB) Viewed 34602 times

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Re: Family photo Vinita, OK

Postby christopherswink8 » Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:11 pm

emdee, My 3rd great grandmother Lucretia Pigg married John Oxford after her husband William Rook passed away. My 2nd great grandmother Emma Rook was half sister to the Oxford children from that marriage. Yes. We are
connected through my Rook line that way. As well as we are connected via the Veatch and Vernon lines as well. I know that on my Rook, Pigg and Vernon lines there is Native American. Rook probably Algonquian or Eastern Siouan. Pigg is Algonquian and if the trees are correct it would have been within the Powhatan Confederation 1600’s. And my Hammon and Ford lines likely Eastern Siouan and Iroquoian. On the Veatch side it is probable Native American as well, many Quaker instances especially living near Delaware Natives.

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Re: Family photo Vinita, OK

Postby emmdee2 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:09 pm

Hello Christopher.

Good to see you on again. :) I will have to explore those connections further. Genetically, I have found a distant relation to some Sizemore families. One gentleman in Kentucky has a Q Y haplogroup which shows Native on his father's line (and he heads a small regionally recognized native group Whitetop?). The area of chromosome matching seems to indicate could be Native or Asian/Siberian as I recall. Stronger match to my sister it actually came up on FamilyTreeDNA as 4th or 5th cousin.

I am thinking my connections are pretty distant and that would be why on most big box DNA I get little to no Asian and what I get usually shows South or West Asian. FamilyTree did remove my 5% West Asian on their update and gave me 8% Iberian instead. Big pendulum swings and they all seem to want to eliminate trace results and concentrate on within 200 years. Most people have their genealogy down to 200 years.


Posts: 54
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Re: Family photo Vinita, OK

Postby christopherswink8 » Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:45 am


I also have some family finder matches that have Q Ydna haplogroup as well as some C. I also have several X2a, D and C MtDna haplogroup matches on FTDNA’s family finder. In gedmatch with those I have compared the general consensus is from 5.8 to 7.3 generations on a MRCA. Whether it be Native or European hard to say. Most matches usually do not respond to inquires. And my tree does not align with many others as well. But the geographical locations and timeframes suggest Native connections. Or at the very least an endogamous community of certain Peoples. My late mothers trace results of Southeast Asian was taken away in the update as well but was replaced with Amerindian Argentina and Chile. I have read where the Big Box Companies are replacing Asian with Iberian. As Iberian has a strong Asian component though so don’t get discouraged. Also the reference populations are of modern peoples also, so not genetically the same. What I find most accurate, combined with my research, though is my Melungeon Fingerprint Plus test here with DNA Consultants. Everything that shows on all my Big Box test results, including what they have taken away, and more is right in that report as well as in My Rare Genes results. Myself, mother, mothers brother and my fathers sister all have Sizemore matches on FTDNA. Listed as ancestral surnames in Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio. And in the same counties that some of my ancestors were 1700’s.

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