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Viking DNA?

Moderators: Shari, suelevin1, dnacommunities, teresapy, dpyates, jakayj, janRavenspirit

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Viking DNA?

Postby James » Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:36 am

Greetings, I have enjoyed reading about how the Cherokee have Jewish roots, but that doesn't seem to explain all of the anomalous DNA samples found among the Cherokee population. I have a cousin who we believe is a direct descendant of a Cherokee woman, but her mtDNA matches DNA sometimes found in Sweden and Germany.

I have been reading about a recent study of Viking era DNA and a lot of the samples are very close to the results of the DNA Consultants Cherokee Project. Of course, there are also a lot of differences. However, for example, DNA Consultants have reported J2, K2, T, U2e, U5b, X and small amounts of H, plus a few others. The Viking study only tested the HVR1 region of about 50 samples and they found I, J, K, T2, U2e, U5b1, V, and small amounts of H, plus many variations of those types. I am certainly no DNA expert, but it seems that there were too many close matches to be coincidence when combined with the fact that we know at least a few vikings did make it to North America and Viking artifacts may have been found at north eastern Indian sites (still being debated the last I heard).

It's just a thought based on my limited knowledge of how dna works.

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Re: Viking DNA?

Postby Raven » Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:45 pm

I'm not certain but I thought I read somewhere that scandanavia and Sweden could be false positives for native Americans. I took a test at ancestry.com and received those results which at the time completely puzzled me. I checked the ancestry.vom forums and was surprised at how many people with Cherokee ancestry complained that NA didn't show up on their test even people who stated they were full bloods.

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Re: Viking DNA?

Postby Raven » Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:58 pm

I have attached the link of people stating that ancestry.com did not find native.

http://blogs.ancestry.com/ancestry/2014 ... -research/

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Re: Viking DNA?

Postby James » Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:22 am

Thanks, interesting reading.

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Re: Viking DNA?

Postby christopherswink8 » Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:08 am

Very interesting thought on the “false positive”. As myheritage and 23andme give me 14% Scandinavian. And in my Gedmatch proprtion on Eurogenes K36 I show a large porportion of Finnoscandian across almost all of my chromosomes.

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Re: Viking DNA?

Postby jakayj » Sat Jun 29, 2019 4:03 pm

Yes, it's all intriguing. In the DNA Consultants' new Primeval DNA testing's Vikings in Medieval Iceland, I had a high match of 10.62%, and an 11.40% to the individual Njal. Fascinating branch of heritage.

If anyone wants to learn more about connections to ancient populations, sample the company's latest Primeval tests, developed by paleogeneticist Eran Elhaik: https://dnaconsultants.com/product/our- ... test-data/ .

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