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Jewish Surname index

Moderators: suelevin1, dnacommunities, teresapy, dpyates, jakayj

D J Thornton
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Jewish Surname index

Postby D J Thornton » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:36 am

Consolidated Jewish Surname Index (CJSI). CJSI is your gateway to information about 699,084 surnames, mostly Jewish, that appear in 42 Different Databases

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby yellowrose » Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:57 pm

When we were looking into my grandmothers genealogy, my daughter typed her maiden name in a goggle search. It led us to several Jewish surname database links. At first we thought it was a mistake. As all my life, all I knew was that on my father's side , we were Polish. We started the search over. We got the same results. My grandfather who was alive at the time, knew absolutely nothing about my deceased grandmother's genealogy. They were married over 50 years. Since that time we discovered websites such as this one, we found hundreds of people with the same surname as hers. Some of them on Yad Vashem.
We also found a book titled " Suddenly Jewish " that assisted our understanding of our new journey.
The next step for us in the process of confirming Jewish genealogy was the DNA test through DNA Consultants. First my dad took one. He had one; Jewish 3 marker. I decided to take one as well and it revealed 2 Jewish markers, one of which matched his. We are still in the process of discovery, but are grateful for what we have been able to learn thus far. Websites such as these have helped to bring about tremendous change for our family, and for future generations. :D

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby dpyates » Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:01 am

Hi, Thanks for your vote of confidence. This has become a familiar story to us at DNA Consultants. Not everyone, however, has been as enthusiastic in accepting the evidence. It is indeed a life changing experience, for generations of the family. Jewish Gen is also a great place to search, and you can search for variants through its phonetic search system. They also have extended family trees. You must register first to use it, but you can put your own tree in and receive notifications when other researchers see your information and write to you.
Donald N. Yates, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, http://dnaconsultants.com

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby yellowrose » Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:24 pm

The vote of confidence is deserved :D
Thank You for the added information, as I will look further into it.
Our entire family appreciates the assistance we have received through your company, as previously mentioned, it has facilitated many wonderful changes for us. Thanks again !!

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby Sandy » Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:07 pm

My Jewish ancestry according to my report was low to moderate although Susan Levin said it is most likely closer to moderate since I had 3 Jewish Markers and my Meg population Jewish was #11. I have been looking for possible Jewish surnames in my family tree. I have a 2nd great-grandmother with the maiden name Miller. Wikipedia says that next to Cohen and Levin it is the most popular surname among Jews so that is a possibility. However since I have Moderate Jewish ancestry I am guessing they intermarried quite a bit. According to my report I had marker 1 on both sides of the family and Marker 3 on one side. The only other possible Jewish surnames I have found so far are Summers and Stevens which are also close grandparents and also the surnames Fisher, and Foster. It is hard to know.Even though my genealogy is a mixed multitude, I have always had a Jewish heart and was so hoping that it was there and it was. Thank you so much.

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby jakayj » Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:05 pm

So glad you found evidence in your genetic explorations to support what you know of your genealogy. They go hand-in-hand.


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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby Sandy » Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:37 pm

I just found a great-grandmother by the maiden name Davis also but it is 9 generations back.

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby Sandy » Sun Mar 03, 2019 2:44 am

My Great-grandmother way back was Jone Davis. I looked up the name Jone and it said "Hebrew for gift of God." I have a friend Lyndsey who is reading your book on "When Scotland was Jewish" and she said there is something in the book about A Royal Line by the name of Stewart that is possibly linked to the line of David. I also have a great-grandmother by the maiden name Stewart but I have not yet traced back passed her.

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby Sandy » Sun Mar 03, 2019 2:45 am

And Davis meaning Son of David.

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Re: Jewish Surname index

Postby Sandy » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:49 pm

I have not yet purchased your surname book so there could be more that I don't recognize in my family tree that are possible Jewish surnames.

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