I got my results back on my Special Cherokee Match panel yesterday. Based on my results, I was told it looks probable I have at least some degree of Cherokee ancestry {"somewhat likely" as stated in the report, in "significant amounts"}. What should I do with this information?
I am still working with a few of my genetic matches with documented Cherokee ancestry on 23andme and Gedmatch. I have a research project lined up for towards the end of this year in the fall. I hope that though researching them and our shared matches {We think we might have a connection to the Thompson family of Smoky Junction Tennessee} we can find our common ancestors and hence, our possible shared Cherokee ancestry with paper trail.
How should I use this report in regards to my paper trail research? Should I use the test to confirm the presence of Cherokee ancestry for now and the paper trail later on to prove descent?
I took the test thinking I should use it as a way to confirm Cherokee ancestry, because I won't have the time or money to research for a few months now, and then use the research later on as proof of descent from the Cherokee people.
How does this approach sound?
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What should I do?
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Re: What should I do?
Hi Bailey. I'm glad you received a positive result. If you don't mind me asking what was your ranking? I'm curious because mine did not say probable but it also didn't say significant amount. I feel the same way as you. I cannot afford an expert to help me research this. I'm not trying to join a tribe or receive any type of benefits I just would like to know my history.
Re: What should I do?
Mine was #183 and it was combined with my match to the Michigan Native population, which contained many Cherokees.
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