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Ancient DNA

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:31 am
by D J Thornton
Ancient mtDNA list ... ed_mummies

List of historic figures ... al_figures

Two of these are of interest to me,
Otzi the Iceman has the same mtDNA as my paternal grandmother K

Somerlad is the ancient progenitor of Scottish Clans, McAlister and McDonald. Clan of 4g paternal grandmother. The Scottish clans that came into Cape Fear, NC 1730s. ... s#Somerled

Somerlad has over 500,000 descendants a nd the second most of historical figures after Gengis Khan

He most matched the Vikings he drove out of Scotland R1

Another figure of interest Nial of the Nine Hostages, Irish Kings, Surnames Carney and Kelley have tested matching this. Theses Surnames are on both my parents, and we're part of a DNA Project I administered. They were R1b and are also part of the Irish Heritage DNA project.

Re: Ancient DNA Genealogy tools

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:45 am
by D J Thornton
This tool, has more raw data then the wiki lists I posted. This is a new find and very interesting.

Ancient DNA
Below is the tabulation for Ancient DNA processed from publicly available raw files and uploaded to GEDMatch for comparison. Processed files from raw data can be downloaded from Google Drive-1, Google Drive-2, Google Drive-3 and Google Drive-4. All downloads are Build 37 (hg19). Procedure used to convert sequence reads are discussed in the blog, Convert Ancient DNA Sequence Reads to VCF format. The ages mentioned here for the below ancient samples are based on what the authors mentioned in their papers. I had posted my opinion as a blog on the accuracy of the ages of ancient DNA samples based on recent research in nuclear physics.

You can use the Ancient Ancestry tool to compare your DNA with triangulated ancient DNA segments or get shared DNA percentage using Ancient Calculator.