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Check Your DNA Here

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:56 pm
by Shari
Do you have Romani DNA?

1) Did hear of this from your family?
2) Did your DNA Consultants’ test show Sub-Saharan II DNA?
3) Was Sinti listed in your DNA Consultants’ test as one of your Rare Genes?
4) Have you discovered Melungeon DNA?
5) Do you have a common Romani surname in your family history?
6) Did older relatives or ancestors read fortunes?
7) Did family members have elaborate ideas of what was clean and unclean?
8) Does anyone in your family play the zither or other Middle Eastern instruments?
9) Have you found more clues about your family’s Romani ethnic ancestry in the the 2010 blog post

Please tell us about your Romani ancestry!

Re: Check Your DNA Here

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:58 pm
by ymidualc

I am new here.I have the Sinti gene,Sub -Saharan II and Asian II(India).It looks like I have a good chance of Romani descent.right?
I still intend to do the Premium Upgrade.

Re: Check Your DNA Here

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:36 pm
by Shari
Yes, I would think you do have Romani ancestry. I also have Sinti (Rare Genes) and Sub-Saharan II in my test results as well as Asian according to my mother's recent Cherokee test. Your Premium Upgrade should really add to your information.